Saturday, November 19, 2005


I am going to curtail the cursing a little bit. I should go into a whole debate about the topic but it would have no real effect. I would simply suggest that anyone who cares about the subject to watch Penn and Tellers show "Bullshit" that covers the topic of cussing. The cussing was always meant to be a shock value thing. I am not saying that a cuss word will not appear here and there but I am going to try and cut it out for the most part. I am also going to try and start updating this at least once a week for all you loyal readers. If there are people who read this a bit and never leave comments I would ask that this once you leave a comment just to say hi. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, send me an email. I would like to get some sort of idea who visits this thing. My email is I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving. I am going to Dalls to visit Family. Included in this bunch are Texas Tara and Larry Feathers. Before I leave Texas, larry Feathers will have written a new blog. Either that or he will be the victim of a bare ass to the face while sleeping prank. I love all of you like I love my kitties.

Monday, November 14, 2005

dot dot dot

Man, Fuck this motherfucker..

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Duck Duck Shoes

First let me apologize for the long delay. Mentally, I feel as if I have been wallowing in my own piss, shit and feeces. On a positive note, My cousin Tara is having a baby and I think this is great news. Congratulations Tara. I feel that this news about the baby and my comment about piss, shit and feces brings this paragraph right back to neutral. So lets begin.

Duck Duck Shoes...

I was at my cousins about three or four weeks ago, beanblog is who I soeak of. We were standing out on the deck and it was just now beggining to feel like fall. The weather was getting a little colder and the leaves were changing. We started talking about the feeling of nostalgia that always seems to strike us this time a year. He made the comment that it might be because of the harvest home comming. For those not familiar with the Harvest home comming your missing a whole heapshitload of good times. This is similar to any state fair, except it goes on in the town of New Albany, IN. This means that it is about 1/100th the size of any state fair. We didn't talk about this very much, but I knew the exact feeling he was talking about. I thought that this sounded like as good an idea as any.

About a week later I was talking to my friend Matt about this and he brought it up. He said that he felt as if he had butterflies in his stomach all day because of the season change. After talking about it a little more, I concluded that we were all having the same feeling. This immediately disproved my cousins justification because Matt has no connection with the harvest homecomming. Matt said that his roomat had the same feeling and contributed it to the Holidays. Lotsa memories from this time of year and whatnot. I am still not convinced, so I was wondering. Do any of you feel this way, and if so what do you believe causes it.

When i decided to write a blog about this I called him and he said "Duck, Duck, Shoes." I said "Duck, Duck shoes, what are you talking about you silly motherfucker.

The end.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Duck Duck Shoes

Duck Duck Shoes it is. Tomorrow it will be on here. Be prepared. Eat a special meal and get a good nights sleep.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Sorry it has been so long! I have several ideas in mind for my next post, and they are all better than anything you all could ever write, ever! I have decided to let you all vote on which story i should then tell you upon. Upon? what? Anyway, please be sure to vote for your aformentioned choice. Would this be a case where I used the word "aformentioned" correctly? Vote on that as well. So you see people, there are two votes here.

Will it be:

Eat the paint chips, suffer the consequences
Duck, Duck, Shoes
What happened to my pants
Summertime spent in a lazy susan
The time I woke up upside down and backwards
Livin it up

Please vote on which one you would like to read so I can get to work as soon as possible on making up some bullshit story. Do not forget to vote on the use of the aformentioned aformention. I still love each and every one of you all.
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